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To have faith is to let go of the need to see and simply trust that life’s rhythm has its own harmony.
If your thoughts towards Dharma were the same intensity as the love and passion you have shown me, you would become a Buddha in this very body and life.
Food should be of absolutely no concern to Man. One should east just as one breaths, not paying attention to nutrition, not distracting one's thought from more important issues.
If you want anything, beg of the Lord, leave worldly honors, try to get Lord’s grace and blessings, and be honored in his Court. Do not be deluded by worldly honor.
Doubt in yourself means doubt in God. The key to your faith starts with belief in yourself!
When one begs from a human, one does not grow in stature. But when one begs from the Lord and connects, he becomes Him.
There are as many paths to God as there are souls on Earth.
Life is not logical. Therefore, it‘s not logical to use logic in life.
The purpose of this book is to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions; that there is no difference in the truths inculcated by the various faiths.
How can one prevent a drop of water from ever drying up? By throwing it into the sea.
As sure as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, the time will come when you must decide whether you desire that you and your family should survive the next cataclysm.
The last wish or thought that a man has at the last hour of death, determines his future course.
Every moment the Guru Mandala is watching you. Don't worry about your progress in spiritual life. They will take care of it. Understand and obey their instructions. You will reach your goal.
Remember who you are. Remember yourself as brighter than a thousand suns.
Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, while philosophy without religion is mental speculation.
There have been institutions of Saints in this world, from time immemorial. Various Saints appear themselves in various places to carry out the missions allotted to them.
Hopefully, future generations will look back on these years as a turning point, a moment in human history when we stopped exploiting human vulnerabilities.
The very presence of an Enlightened Master uplifts even the weakest beings towards their full potential.
Boredom is the blood that flows from the wound of time. To overcome boredom, you must simply welcome what comes, and be wary of hope. Don‘t expect anything, and regard each instant as a celebration.
I think that during the Great Shift, the main load will be carried out on the shoulders of those individuals who realize the need for great change.
I give you emptiness. Go. Go into this wide world. Use your knowledge to walk the path of mysteries. Use your acquired knowledge more for the benefit of others and less for yourself.
All creation is governed by law. The ones which manifest in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists, are called natural laws.
Son, the path of spiritualism is not so easy. Yet you have to proceed as you are destined for it. Proceed! Do not look back. Beware of the worldly people. They are there only for their selfish motives
By looking at a tall tree, it‘s difficult to fathom the depth of its roots. But, it‘s not difficult for me to appreciate that the essence of the entire universe rests inside Nanak‘s temple-like heart.
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